Yes it’s that time again!
Time to get your garden ready for spring. We can start with the following things.
- Now’s the time out to purchase your seeds, packaged root vegetables, fruit canes, fruit trees & summer flowering bulbs while the selection is at it’s best
- Clean up your garden debris and branches
- Unwrap palms and other marginal plants as the weather warms up to prevent rot
- Cut back any herbaceous perennials that still have last years growth
- Cut back ornamental grasses. Evergreen varieties that look a bit tired can be cut back as well to encourage a flush of vibrant, new growth
- Prune back any winter damaged plants to a healthy set of buds, this will help encourage a flush of healthy, regenerative growth
- Apply slug bait to susceptible plants
- Add a pop of colour to your containers or flowerbeds with potted spring bulbs, winter heather, wallflowers, primula and pansies
- Plant onion sets, potatoes, asparagus, horseradish and garlic
- Plant roses – they like good drainage with plenty of compost added into the soil.
- Plant fruit trees –
- Transplant houseplants that require it. Generally, you should not move them up in size to a pot more than 1.5-2” larger than what they were in. If the plant is too large to re-pot, it will benefit from a fresh layer of potting soil on its surface & regular fertilizing
Early Spring Lawn Care
See our Lawn Care Guide for more
- Fertilize existing evergreen hedges
- Aerate, top dress & over-seed your lawn
- If moss is an issue, apply Cedar Rim Moss Control and follow up with an application of Dolopril Lime one week later
Lawn Pest Control
See our Article on dealing with Lawn Pests
- Seeds to start direct sow: Arugula, Broad Beans, Collards, Cress, Corn Salad, Kale, Mustard, Pac Choi, Peas, Radish, Spinach & turnips
- Seeds to start indoors: Broccoli, Asparagus, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Chickpeas, Leeks, Lettuce, Mesculen, New Zealand Spinach, Peppers, Tomatoes